Gift Cards

Q. Do you sell gift cards?


To Purchase a gift card, follow these simple steps:
1) Go to
2) Sign Up as a member (It’s free).
3) Select “MY ACCOUNT” link on the upper right hand corner of the site.
4) Select “Gift Cards”.  Then the "PURCHASE" button.
6) Select an amount from the drop down.
7) Enter the Recipient's Name, Recipient's Email, and a Personal Message.
6) Click Purchase.

The Vastrm gift card will be emailed to the lucky recipient after it is purchased. It will also be emailed to the email address associated with your Vastrm account. If you want to send the gift card to the recipient yourself, simply leave the Recipient’s email blank (Step 6). Then only you will be emailed the certificate and you can forward it to the Recipient at your convenience. NOTE: If you do not receive your gift certificate email shortly after your order is complete, please check your spam folder.

To Redeem a gift card, follow these simple steps:
1) goto
2) Sign Up as a member (It’s free).
3) Select “MY ACCOUNT” link on the upper right hand corner of the site.
4) Select “Gift Cards”.  Then the "REDEEM" button.
5) Enter the gift card CODE (which you received in the gift card email receipt). The amount of the gift card will then be automatically deposited as Vastrm Store Credit into your account.  To view your Store Credit, select "MY ACCOUNT".  Then "Store Credit".
6) When you check out, the credit will automatically be applied to your purchase.


Q. What can I use a gift card for?

A. You can use a gift card towards the purchase of any new custom shirt (shipping as well). You cannot use a gift card to purchase another gift card.


Q. What if I do not use up all my gift card credit?

A. You don't have to spend the full amount of your gift card all at once. Any unused balance will be carried over for future purchases.


Q. How can I check the balance of my gift card credit?

A. You can check your balance anytime. Just click on “MY ACCOUNT” then “Store Credit.” The history of usage and current available amount of your gift card/vastrm store credit will be available there.


Q. Does gift card credit expire?

A. No.


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